ClownCorps has invited clown and social circus organizations from around the world to join us in creating the 2020 Pandemic Games - an international extravaganza of sports you can play from home and with social distance! Learn more about our partner organizations, the clown captains leading each sport, the players from around the world, and register to PLAY below. Let the Games begin!

Los Juegos Pandémicos 2020: ¿Estás list@ para jugar?
Because of the coronavirus, the 2020 Olympic Games have been cancelled. The Clown Distancing Committee (CDC), has commissioned an alternative to serve the world public in its time of need - the 2020 Pandemic Games! Co-created through international collaboration, inspired by shared play and open to any human with access to the internet, these Games aim to invite delight, reward fun, and showcase the experiences and imaginations of the global community we live in. The 2020 Pandemic Games call us together not to compete and ‘win’ against one another, but to play fully together, so that we may ‘win big’ in the fight to honor and uplift our shared humanity in the face of this global pandemic.