CLOWN CAPTAIN “Gladys Banana” - Ilana Levy is a clown, teacher, producer, entrepreneur and also a mother. A silly dancer and a happy believer; crazy, idealistic and stubborn. Convinced of the power of lauther and play, she co-founded Caliclown and has been its Directora since 2012. Her passion is to make people shine, laugh and enjoy the little miracles of life.



CaliClown - The CaliClown Organization was founded in March 2012 by Ilana Levy and Connie Gallo, who believe in clown and the arts as a bridge for health and resilience. Since then we have brought clowns to hospitals; dictated workshops and conferences in schools, universities and private companies; and we have carried out interventions and shows in different municipalities of Valle del Cauca, together with other foundations and organizations such as Clowns Without Borders USA, the ACCR of Siloé, Save the Children Foundation, Progresar IDB Foundation, and the Secretary of Culture and Tourism of Cali. CaliClown raises frequencies through humor and play, working with joy to resignify the role of the clown in our society.


Lavado Sincronizado - Team up, share your moves, and be part of a transoceanic winning Sincronizado choreography to wash away the bad symptoms of the pandemic! Get clean with a team! CLICK HERE to learn more about Lavado Sincronizado and how to play!

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for the Lavado Sincronizado Transoceanic Team Choreo Live Zoom Event on AUGUST 22 @ 10:00-10:30AM PST/ 5:00-5:30PM GMT.

CLOWN CAPTAIN “La Foira” - Melanie Watteijne is a 27-year-old woman and mother, Bachelor of Performing Arts, teacher of foreign languages, Social clown and artistic director of Caliclown. She is the Founder of the cultural project CasaViva and dreamer of a world without garbage.



CLOWN CAPTAIN “Dr. Crito” - Cristian Caro Born in Armenia, capital of Quindío where coffee abounds in Colombia, on a tasty February in 85. His soul is from Cali and very latin. Playful and runner from small/since he was a kid, lover of sports and competition. Clown by accident, voice maker perhaps and improvised improviser. Body of a child, soul of an old man. Love and resilience represent him.
