ClownCorps Social Clown Learning Tour in Bali, Indonesia - POSTPONED

ClownCorps Social Clown Learning Tour in Bali, Indonesia

Friday, April 30, 20212:00 PM

Monday, May 10, 20213:00 PM

March 15, 2020

Dear friends and clown community,

Thank you for your amazing support and generosity at our recent FUNdraiser!! We raised over $2000 for our ClownCorps trip to Indonesia and were able to share buoyancy and play in this difficult time. We are deeply grateful for you joining us - from near and far - and for your help in bringing laughter and connection to our communities here and abroad!

As you know, the landscape has been shifting rapidly with updated information about the coronavirus and how best to protect and prevent the spread of the disease. Due to the latest declaration of COVID-19 as a global pandemic and recommendations issued by the CDC and the WHO, ClownCorps has decided to postpone our trip to Bali until next year.

Our partners in Bali share our concern and are in agreement on postponing this year’s tour, and they are eager and committed to partnering with us next year. Your amazing generosity this year will help make next year’s tour happen!

While this has been an incredibly hard decision to make, our number one priority is to do no harm and to protect the communities we clown with in Bali and here in the Bay Area.

That being said, as clowns, we passionately believe it is our role to bring laughter and play to help build resilience and community in tough times. We are busy planning ways for ClownCorps to engage this pandemic through clowning actions and support here in the Bay Area as well as online content to address what is happening in the US and internationally.

Please stay tuned for updates and actions, and we look forward to playing with you soon!

With deep gratitude,


Ps. You can check out an impromptu interview with Hannah and Joan, co-founders of ClownCorps, here: Thank you, Sonia!




Contact us for inquiries or just to say a few nice words, we won’t mind at all.